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Найти однокоренные слова к слову футбол

Найти однокоренные слова к слову футбол

Получите быстрый и бесплатный перевод! Инструмент переводчика · Сосредоточьтесь на произношении independent. Прочитайте однокоренные слова, определите части речи, подчеркните словообра- зующие Вопросительное слово. (на месте Which of the activities of learning English do you find the most useful? Interested in/football? 9. B. Fitness training is absolutely necessary for a first-rate football team. came up with the design when he was trying to find a way for constructing buildings using a Образуйте от слова EXPENSE однокоренное слово так, чтобы оно.

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The world championships will be held in Scotland next year. B1 [ C ] a high-level competition to decide who Отыскать однокоренные слова к слову футбол Товарищеские матчи псж bestespecially in a sport :. Participants within each focus group represented a range of pharmacy types multiples, independents and small chains. Image credits. My word lists.

Найти однокоренные слова к слову футбол
Найти однокоренные слова к слову футбол
Найти однокоренные слова к слову футбол
Найти однокоренные слова к слову футбол
Найти однокоренные слова к слову футбол

Add independent to one of your lists below, or create a new one. Clickbait and viral marketing: the language of advertising. Choose a dictionary. Word Lists. Choose your language. My word lists. Your feedback will be reviewed. B2 not influenced or controlled in any way by other people , events , or things:. An independent politician does not agree or vote with any particular political party. An independent adviser has been brought in to conciliate between the two sides involved in the conflict.

It's hard to obtain truly independent financial advice. Hundreds of small independent shops will be forced to close by the opening of this superstore. We make use of available research facilities and license technology from independent sources. The industry has not commented on the results of an independent study into the safety of mobile phones.

Freedom to act. B2 An independent country is not governed or ruled by another country :. Belize became fully independent from Britain in Tibet, once an independent country , is now ruled by China.

Synonyms autonomous. The province is nominally independent. A bloody civil war followed the proclamation of an independent state. The international community has refused to recognize the newly independent nation state. The creation of independent states has led to a resurgence of nationalism. After India became independent, she chose to be a member of the Commonwealth. B1 not taking help or money from other people :. Grandma's very independent and does all her own shopping and cooking.

Найти однокоренные слова к слову футбол

I've always been financially independent. She's fiercely independent. She attaches great value to being financially independent. She wanted to be independent and beholden to no one. She's very mature and independent for her age. I wish you'd be a bit more independent. Unaided and working alone. Linguistics: grammatical terms. Related word independently adverb.

He left the Conservatives and stood as an independent. US a voter who does not belong to a political party :. She is gaining support among independents who have no political preference or who lean Democratic. Politics - general words. The band would rather sign to an independent than a major record label. Congress called for the appointment of an independent counsel to investigate the president.

An independent contractor is a person who agrees to do a particular job for someone else for an agreed amount of money but who is not an employee :. The telephone was actually invented independently by two different people at almost the same time. The agency is an independent body which monitors standards in the industry. The association represents independent retailers. The band signed with an independent label. It's important to seek independent advice.

Найти однокоренные слова к слову футбол

The industry ranges from large retailers to small independents. Participants within each focus group represented a range of pharmacy types multiples, independents and small chains. The independents, he argues, should not be viewed as forerunners of modernity and rational bureaucracy.

The new electoral system should thus produce more party-centered campaigns at least in the sense that it makes it disadvantages independents. None of the subsequent independents from the right got as many votes as he did or managed to get more female than male votes.

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